2014-4th International Conference «Arctic Logistics»

Association of suppliers for oil and gas industry «Murmanshelf» will organize the 4th International Conference «Arctic Logistics» on the 8th of April 2014 with a support of Government of the Murmansk region.

Key issues of the conference:
• Northern Sea Route: prospects of development and safety of navigation
• Complex development of Murmansk Transport Hub
• International cooperation and economic activity in the Arctic
• Safety of transport operations in the Arctic
• Human resources in the polar regions
• Investments in transport infrastructure development of the Arctic

To participate in this event as speakers were invited heads and key specialists of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin, Statoil, Total, ExxonMobil Russia Inc., Shell, Gazflot, Sovcomflot, Rosatomflot, Rostransmodernizatsia, Krylov State Research Center, Murmansk Sea Trading Port, Murmansk Shipping Company, etc.

To participate in the conference “Arctic Logistics”, please, fill in the registration form. To get more information, please, call in Murmansk + 7 8152 554153/554154 or send e-mail to trunova@murmanshelf.ru .

We are glad to invite you to attend the conference!

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